Ingredients: Whipped Organic Grass-fed Tallow, Magnesium, Blue Tansy, Chamomile, Picea mariana, Evening primrose oil, Organic Olive Oil. 100ml, comes in a black twist top tin. MAGNESIUM Using Magnesium topically is more effective than taking it orally as it is absorbed very quickly through the skin. If applied before bed it helps you to fall asleep and stay asleep for longer. Helps with joint and muscle pain when applied to the affected area. Has anti-aging benefits for your skin. Apply to your face before bed to aid a better night's sleep whilst also helping improve your skin while you sleep. If you're using it for pain or joint relief apply directly to the affected area. THIS IS A TRULY MULTIPURPOSE PRODUCT TALLOW deeply moisturizes dry skin, repairs damage, and heals the skin. Can use as an all over body cream for babies, and children’s Eczema. It soothes Eczema and Rosacea prone skin, chronically dry skin, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, and gives long term anti-aging benefits. It even reduces pore size and brightens the skin. The results are cumulative, and skin keeps getting lovelier with continued use. The suet to make my Tallow has been rendered at low temperatures to preserve the integrity of the nutrients and enzymes. Due to its naturally long shelf life, there are no preservatives or chemicals added to any of my Tallow products, they are completely pure and unadulterated. BLUE TANSY oil is a natural essential oil used in skincare as it helps to soothe irritated or inflamed skin as well as supporting healing. Blue tansy is a small flower from the Tanacetum annuum plant that is native to the Mediterranean region, often harvested in Morocco. EVENING PRIMROSE oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is essential for good skin health. Improves skin moisture, roughness, firmness, and elasticity. It has emollient properties, meaning it helps soften and smooth the skin, improving the skin’s overall texture. It helps lock in moisture to minimize water loss. It makes the skin soft, supplies it with essential nutrients and healthy fats, making your skin look youthful and plumped. Primrose oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties including the ability to reduce swelling, redness, itching, and rashes. CHAMOMILE oil helps with wound healing, has antimicrobial properties to protect against certain types of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Helps with Inflammation, helping tame skin inflammation from sunburn and rashes. Reduces Redness. Sooths sensitive skin. Reduces hyperpigmentation and lightens skin. Acne. Anti-aging. PICEA MARIANA oil Sooths skin conditions such as Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis and for calming outbreaks caused by hormone imbalance or stress. It can also help treat or prevent infection in wounds and sores. No Chemicals, No colorants, No Parabens. Pure and natural ingredients, only.

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